Carolina College Prep

Wouldn’t the SAT and ACT be easier, if you could solve every math problem using 4th grade math skills?

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Wouldn’t the SAT & ACT be easier if you could solve every math problem using 4th grade math skills?

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(Highlight Course Covenant, and print out on your printer).

Speed Reading Course Covenant

I, ________________________ agree to:

(print student’s name)

1. Attend all sessions of Carolina College Prep’s Speed Reading Course consecutively

2. If requested, sign the attendance register each session.

3. Complete all homework assignments as assigned.

4. Attempt to implement the strategies taught in the course.

I understand that if I do not increase my reading speed during the course, Carolina College Prep will gladly refund my full tuition.

Refund requests must be submitted within 7 days of the final course date. All course materials must be returned including the "Reading Speed Progress Sheet” for Verification.


Student’s Signature                                   Date


Parent’s Signature                                     Date

Speed Reading Course Covenant