Wouldn’t the SAT & ACT be easier if you could solve every math problem using 4th grade math skills?

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All rights reserved. 803/315-5850

Carolina College Prep

Wouldn’t the SAT & ACT be easier if you could

solve every math problem using 4th grade math skills?

Student Sign In


Want to Pay by Check?  No Problem.

Print This Form Out, Use It As Your Order Ticket, and Mail it to Us~

Order Ticket

Item Purchased & Cost:  ________________________ (Eg:  SAT Spartan Package:  $295, see full list on “Enrollment Page”)

Please include the following Information.

  1. Student Name:  ____________________________________
  2. Mailing Address:  ___________________________________________
  3. Parent’s Preferred Email Address:  __________________________________
  4. Emergency Phone Number (to get in touch with you if your student gets sick in the Live Course):  __________________________________
  5. High School Student Attends:  _____________________________
  6. Student’s Projected Graduation Year from High School:  ______________________________
  7. Baseline SAT Score (highest Evidenced Based Reading & Writing and Math sectional scores so far):  _____________________________________
  8. How did you hear about us?

Mail this completed form with your Check (made payable to “Carolina College Prep, Inc.” to:

Carolina College Prep, Inc.

5720 Comanche Avenue

Woodland Hills, CA 91367

Once we receive your Order Ticket, we will send your receipt and Welcome Packet to your preferred email address.  This email will confirm your payment, and provide additional information about the course, etc.

Questions?  Please feel free to call the office at 803/315-5850.

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